Join y-SIS

Are you a student of an Italian institution or have you completed your degree? Are you interested in participating in activities to promote your research and learn about the research of your peers?

To become a y-SIS member, first subscribe to the Italian Statistical Society (SIS), specifying you want to join also y-SIS and then compile the form available here.


StaTalks are free workshops on statistical topics aimed at Master’s and PhD students, as well as at post- docs and young researchers.

StaTalk2025 will be at the University of Milano Bicocca! Stay tuned, further information is coming soon!

PhD Programmes in Italy

Interested in a PhD in Statistics, Statistical Sciences or Data Science? You might want to take a look at this page, where we provide a list of the Italian Universities with PhD programmes in these topics, their official webpages and the contacts of the coordinators.

Tell me Y-SIS: Share, Inform, Stimulate

Tell me Y-SIS is a new way for our members to share the insights of their most recent articles and inform the scientific community via our social channels.